SharpEdge Version 4

SharpEdge is a scalable powerful content management system, that provides many features to be able to edit your website. 

It is modular platform using MVC standards to deliver a scalable and buildable platform.



Powerful Widget Control

Comes with powerful widget locations throughout the default template. This allows you to inject text or dynamically load systems anywhere on the page with little effort.

You can load different headers on different pages for example. There is 6 locations in total. header,content_top, content_bottom, side_top and side_bottom, and lastly the footer. Every page on your website can be unique and flexible 



Custom Layouts

SharpEdge Version 4 comes with the ability to have custom layouts on a per page basis. Even the blog articles can have custom layouts on a per post basis. This gives you the ability to have flexible layouts throughout your website.




Yes we have shortcodes available to us. They are easy to develop and use within SharpEdge. The amazing thing about shortcodes is you can inject database related content right in the middle of a paragraph. The most common usage is for injecting advertisments in a blog article. 



Neat Navigation Control

A multi leveled navigation system allowing you to easly drag and drop your menu items in any order you want. You can also drop them under another menu item, giving you a sub menu item. This system has upto 4 levels of navigation control. You can also make as many navigations as you wish. They can be loaded through our layout system so different pages can have different navigations.


Web-Development News

SharpEdge Currently in Development

Our Content Management System is currently in development. A lot has changed since version 3. We are completely overhauling the code in the process, updating to CodeIgniter 4.4. If…